All Saints Episcopal Church
893 Main St. West Newbury, MA 01985
mailing address;
25 Storey Ave. #228
Newburyport, MA. 01950
"To walk in the way of Jesus"
Sunday Holy Eucharist Service
Sunday School
Church Office
Jillian Knowles, Warden
Wayne Armstrong, Jr. Warden
Rev. John Satula
Bridge Priest
About us
All Saints’ Episcopal Church, located at the gateway into West Newbury from Newburyport, the historic house of worship on Main Street — with its brick façade, slate roof and vibrant stained glass. The church and its neighboring St. John’s Hall have a historical connection that dates back to the earliest days of the town. Both were gifts from the Emery family, who settled along the Artichoke and Merrimack rivers in the 1600s on land granted from the King of England. As longtime members' “The family cleared and farmed the land, and lived there for almost three centuries. Reverend Samuel M. Emery of Putnam, Connecticut, retired to the farmstead with his family around 1900, and he and his wife conducted church services and Sunday school from their home.” The Emery sisters — Mary Elizabeth, Louisa, Frances and Georgina — were “answering John the Baptist’s cry in the wilderness” when they first funded construction of St. John’s Hall in 1907 and built All Saints’ Episcopal Church seven years later.
“The Emery land has never been sold and has remained open and used for spiritual purposes to the present day,” the Emery sisters also gave land on the other side of Route 113 to the Brothers of the Society of St. John the Evangelist. In 1986 a painting of the Madonna and Child presented as a gift at the church’s original dedication was rediscovered in the rectory attic by church member Beverly Young. And eventually was revealed to be an original work by 15th-century Italian Renaissance master Andrea Del Santo. In 2003 the church sold the painting at Sotheby’s in New York to private dealers in London for $1.1 million. The money was used for good works, to build homes for the rector and assistant rector, and to improve the church property.
“All Saints’ Episcopal Church continues to answer ‘a call in the wilderness’ as we begin a second century of worship, community and mission,”
Church services are held each Sunday at 12 p.m. with Sunday school offered at the same time
We are an inclusive congregation that works on living lives of faith, hope and love and that wishes to share ourselves and our resources with others. If you are looking for a church home, we invite you to see who we are and what we offer. We pray, worship, learn, work and play together and we have FUN! We value what we do, we are greatly blessed and we want to share our many blessings with others. Please come visit us. We think you’ll like what you find.
All Saints has a core committed group of congregants that want to see the church grow and thrive. This is evidenced by the following:
pledges for the current fiscal year are up and being paid consistently
attendance at worship is mostly regular. We enjoy getting together at worship and
most attendees are actively involved in key church activities as well as the care of the
We have a music program that consists of a pianist, a small choir and a variety of musical talent in the congregation.
All Saints enjoys a historic relationship with the Society of St. John the Evangelist. the treat house and property sits close by across Main St. It is the desire of both entities to strengthen this bond in the future.
There is a strong desire among the congregants for a close connection to one another and the wider community of West Newbury and surrounding towns.
The people of All Saints share some core values that we hope define our parish:
a growing and lively relationship with the Triune God
the importance of the family in the life of the parish
service to those in need: the sick, the home--‐bound, meals, etc.
mission outreach in word and deed: Emmaus House, Mitch’s Place and Maine Mission specifically
an appreciation of the liturgy as a means for worship, self--‐reflection, and renewal
a love and appreciation of nature and the desire to be good stewards of the earth

Meet our Leaders

Fr. John Satula
Bridge Priest
Fr. John Satula, our Bridge Priest from St James, Amesbury, Together, the people of All Saints celebrate the joys of birth, marriage, and family, and provide support for one another in the sorrows of death, divorce, and failure – all in fulfillment of God’s command to love one another as God loves us. We seek to make connections and provide a network of care in times of need. All Saints celebrates being an extended family with “brothers and sisters” who care about one another. Please contact the All Saints office directly by email with any questions regarding baptism, marriage or funeral arrangements, visitation, or pastoral needs. We can be reached at (you may also leave a private message for Fr John) via email at or leave a message at 978-388-0030, to discuss limitations and opportunities during the pandemic. The Peace of the Lord be always with you!
Jillian Knowles, Sr. Warden

Wayne Armstrong, Jr. Warden
Wayne Armstrong is your Jr. Warden for All Saints, he is also the church caretaker. He has also taken on the NEW role of Video Editor, Producer. If you have any questions you may reach him at

Jeff Towers

Deborah Hamiliton

Paul Young
Property Manager