All Saints Episcopal Church
893 Main St. West Newbury, MA 01985
mailing address;
25 Storey Ave. #228
Newburyport, MA. 01950
"To walk in the way of Jesus"
Sunday Holy Eucharist Service
Sunday School
Church Office
Jillian Knowles, Warden
Wayne Armstrong, Jr. Warden
Rev. John Satula
Bridge Priest
Common Questions
What should I wear?
Whatever you like. Seriously, you’ll see everything from jeans and tees to suits. We care about you, not what you are wearing.
How long does a service last?
About an hour.
Where can I park?
Parking in the church parking lot.
Where should I sit?
Wherever you like. We especially welcome parents with children to sit among us.
Who can answer a question for me?
Ask one of the ushers standing near the sanctuary entrance.
What’s a typical worship service like?
We offer prayers, sing hymns, listen to a short sermon, greet each other, share Holy Communion, and finish by being sent out into the world with a blessing. Our services are ordered according to patterns (called liturgies) set out in the Book of Common Prayer, the prayer book of the Episcopal and Anglican traditions. The liturgy varies with the seasons of the Christian year: Advent, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and a long stretch of days between Easter and Advent called “Ordinary Time.” But you don’t need to know any of this to worship with us!
How will I know what to do during the service?
The printed service bulletin describes what will happen during the worship service. If you didn’t get a bulletin when you entered the church, you’ll find a stack of them on a small table at the back of the church.
Can I receive Communion at All Saint’s?
The altar is God’s table, and all are welcome to receive Communion at God’s table.
Do I have to drink from the cup during Holy Eucharist?
No, you can dip your bread into the wine instead. To do this, hold the bread in your hand in front of you, and someone will offer you a cup into which you can dip your bread.
Do you have anything that my kids can play with during the service?
Yes, small toys, crayons, and paper are available at the back of the sanctuary.